QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM, Jun 1996. Walnut Creek CDROM. ---------------------------------------------------- Satellite tracking / operating path: \files\sat ---------------------------------------------------- ao16chrt.zip AO-16 stats for 1991 in chart format (GIFs) ao27tlm.zip AO-27 telemetry decode - N4NUN arls001.zip 01/04/95 - New Satellite planned arls002.zip 01/13/95 - RS-15 launch a first arls003.zip 01/27/95 - 2 more astro-hams arls004.zip 01/27/95 - QSO's with STS-63 arls024.zip 07/06/94 - SAREX QSL cards arls025.zip 07/08/94 - New Astronaut hams arls026.zip 07/11/94 - NASA operation detailed arls027.zip 07/18/94 - SAREX Apollo 11 event arls028.zip 07/18/94 - SAREX airshow contact arls029.zip 09/15/94 - SAREX voice & packet arls030.zip 09/17/94 - SAREX packet QRV arls031.zip 09/19/94 - SAREX additional day arls032.zip 10/03/94/94 - Listen to MIR beacon arls033.zip 10/24/94/94 - STS-66 PreLaunch Keps arls034.zip 11/06/94/94 - STS-66 Keps arls035.zip 12/27/94 - RS15 in Orbit display.zip View/decode raw CCD imagers from UO-22 doris.zip Demo of Doris research network (tracker) dove3w13.zip DOVE OSCAR-17 Telemetry Recorder dovedv12.zip Another DOVE Telemetry decoder dovedv20.zip Dove Telemetry decoder earth3.zip Earth Level 3 for STS-Orbit exposure.zip Exposure date and time from UO-22 IM-files geosat.zip Find Azimuth and Elevation for sync. sat geosat20.zip Find Azimuth and Elevation for sync. sat geosynch.bas Aim antenna to desired synchronous sat highfix.zip HIGHTIME.PG Modifier by Jeff Ward, G0/K8KA hightime.arc HIGHTIME.PG Modifier by SM0TER im2gif.zip Kitsat/Uosat -> gif picture conv program kissfilt.zip Filter unnecessary data out of a KISS file lo19dec.zip LUSAT Telemetry Capture/Decode by LU4AEY ms08.zip MicroSat v0.08 for Unix - msat09.tgz Microsoft Ground Station SW for Linux & X msatchrt.zip Microsat statistics for 1991 in chart format pacdoc.zip Pacsat bcast proto spec pacdoc2.zip Pacsat bcast proto spec additions pb920224.zip Pacsat bcast proto file receiving software pb920430.zip Pacsat bcast protocol file receiving software pbq.zip Pacsat broadcast queue/query purge (by KB5MU) pbsv004.zip Experimental Broadcast Server pctrk304.zip PC-Track v3.04 pctrk30a.zip PCTrack 3.00: Graphical sat tracking (ASP) pctrk30b.zip PCTrack 3.00: Graphical sat tracking (ASP) pfh0210.zip Pacsat bbs file header insert/extract utility pfholes.zip Display bytes received and missing from FTL0 pg920225.zip Pacsat ground station software pg_aea.zip Satellite com program for AEA DSP models pgdir.zip Pacsat dir lister for received PG.DIR files predict.zip Satellite orbital prediction program - KD2BH pwrlink.zip PowerLink 2.0 sat Link Budget calculations quicks24.zip QuickSat v2.4: visual/radio sat predictions radserv.zip Radio Control server for Versatrk v1.0 Win/NT rmobs013.zip Radio Meteor Shower OBS #013 Sept. 1994 rs15keps.zip RS--15 Keps 01/20/95 sat04aug.exe Self-extractive tracking package satra10.arc Satellite Tracker for Windows - OH2BYQ satrkv30.zip Satellite tracker V3.0 for Unix/Linux - sattaim.zip Aim antenna to desired satellite showlog.zip Display Pacsat logs in easy to read format sop9435a.zip STSOrbit Plus v9435a Orbit Sim - part 1 sop9435b.zip STSOrbit Plus v9435a Orbit Sim - part 2 sop9445a.zip STS Orbit Plus sat track program v9445 (1/2 sop9445b.zip STS Orbit Plus sat track program v9445 (2/2) sortneng.zip NASA 2-lines filtering / checking - IT9XXS sqk00a.zip Super QK for Keplerians info to Quicktrac ssv3n1.zip Chart of South Scanner Satellite Services starv600.zip Domestic satellite location pgm v6.0 stp.zip Predict when satellite visible for qth sunou332.zip Sun outage calculator for sat receivers tech_inf.zip Hdw overview of UO-22 Earth Imaging System telem14g.uue ARSENE telemetery info telem14g.zip ARSENE telemetery info telem14h.uue ARSENE telemetery info telem14h.zip ARSENE telemetery info telem14x.txt ARSENE telemetery info telemeng.txt ARSENE telemetery info telemeng.uue ARSENE telemetery info telemeng.zip ARSENE telemetery info telemfra.txt ARSENE telemetery info telemfra.uue ARSENE telemetery info telemfra.zip ARSENE telemetery info tlmdc4.zip Microsat telemetry decoding program - N4HY trak300a.zip TrakSat v3.00: tracking program part 1/2 trak300b.zip TrakSat v3.00: tracking program part 2/2 trak303.exe TrakSat v3.03: Satellite tracking program trak33.zip TrakSat v3.3 Satellite tracking program trakbox.zip Trakbox kit (from JamSat) panel layouts trk320a.zip TrakBox Firmware v3.20a uo14chrt.zip UO-14 stats for 1991 in chart format (GIFs) uo5tlm.zip UO-22 Telemetry decoding program - G0/K8KA usat92b2.zip Tracking program. With QBASIC source v2l9425a.zip Vector to 2-line element converter versatrk.zip v1.2 Win/NT sat tracking prog by WJ1R vs108.zip ViewSat v1.08: sat tracking prog (ASP) vstsrc.zip Versatrk v1.2 Win/NT source code weberpix.fmt Webersat picture format wisp2207.zip Satellite tracking program for windows wnsat.zip Satellite tracking program for windows wod.zip Microsat WOD Display Program - I2KBD wu120exe.zip WHATS-UP Microsat tele. capture/decode wxman.zip Receive weather maps using sound blaster card